Thursday, September 16, 2010

दुविधा / Ambiguity

Some years Ago...
Teacher- What are your dreams in life and why have you chosen them?

Me- " मैं  शायद  एक  इंजिनियर   बनना  चाहता  हूँ , या  एक  डॉक्टर . शायद  scientist   भी  सही  है .
ये  सब  मैं  इसलिए  बनना  चाहता  हूँ  क्यूंकि  मुझे  इनकी  कहानियां  सुनाई  गयी  हैं ...
मुझे   तो  पता  भी   नहीं  है   की   ये  सब  क्या  करते  हैं ..पर  मेरे  घर   वाले  चाहते  हैं  की  मैं  इनमे  से  एक  तो  बन  ही   जाऊं  "

Honestly, This is what was going in my mind but to say all this i needed to convert it in English.
All this was lying in my mind but in हिंदी i tried sentence by sentence.
Atlast when i tried to convey my thoughts i could come out with only the following 

"I want to be a scientist or an engineer  in dreams because i want to serve my nation."

Reason was something else...which i had thought in hindi but couldn't convey it in English, so i reiterated something which was mentioned by numerous students before me.

I am done with my schooling, done with my and it has been three years working in a Job.
In all these years English skills have been improved upon...

Today (After a few years) ..we were undergoing a training session in my new company.
Trainer asked about ourselves and our hobbies and our dream in life.

"I knew i am a computer engineer, i knew i love singing, i love reading books , cycling and writing. My dream in life is to become a teacher  and hopefully add value to children. I wanted to do this because education cures a lot of myths,it raises your mental horizons.I seriously like to work with people and work out a solution to help them and myself become a better ME and HIM."

I was about to answer this and  was mentally preparing the answer in my mind.
The moment i was about to start,he asked us to tell all this in हिंदी ..... शुद्ध  हिंदी  :)

I couldn't believe that inspite of me being so much clear of what i want to do in life,i was not able to come out fluently.
The english sentence used to come in my mind and i used to translate it in Hindi before uttering it out.

This is what i did 15 years ago with English. 

The way i spoke my English 15 years ago...
Same way i was speaking my हिंदी   today.

My thoughts were much more clearer ,crisper but they were in English.

Ironically it was the हिंदी  दिवस  being celebrated through out India.
Should i be sad for going  far from हिंदी  or should i be happy for atleast having a clearer and a more methodical thought process.

Or i should be indifferent to the language that i think in...? 
As long as i am thinking.


Saurabh Baghel said...

असल मैं इस ब्लॉग को पढ़ के न तो ख़ुशी होती है और न ही गम होता है क्यूंकि मनुष्य आज तक स्वार्थी ही रहा है .....और सदा रहेगा .....इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं है !
एक ज़माने में आपको हिंदी की ज़रुरत इसलिए होती थी क्यूंकि आप अंग्रेजी में उतने प्रवीण नहीं थे ......मानते हैं ज़माने ने काफी प्रगति कर ली है ......और अब हिंदी का प्रयोग उतना नहीं होता .....तो क्या इस तथ्य को केवल यूँ ही सोच के नकार दिया जाए की भई अब हमें इस भाषा का उतना इस्तेमाल नहीं करना पड़ता है इसलिए आगे चल के अगर कोई हमसे उस भाषा मैं सवाल पूछे .....तो हम उस वक़्त नतमस्तक हो जाएँ ...केवल यही सोच के की जब तक हमारा दिमाग चल रहा है तब तक हमें कोई फिकर नहीं की हमें क्या आना चाहिए और क्या नहीं? हमें क्या याद रहना चाहिए क्या नहीं?

इस बात को इंसान ऐसे नहीं समझेगा ......क्यूंकि भगवान की बनायी गयी सबसे अनमोल चीज़ भी प्राणी है और सबसे बेवकूफ भी वही !

अनमोल इसलिए क्यूंकि जगत मैं आने के बाद ...अनोखे कार्यों को अंजाम ....प्राणियों ने मिलजुल के दिया ......परन्तु मूर्ख इसलिए ....क्यूंकि कलयुगी भी इंसान ही है ! अगर ऐसा न होता ...तो पाप और पुण्य जैसी चीज़ें कभी पता नहीं पड़ती !

चलिए पाप और पुण्य की बात हम नहीं करते हैं ......केवल स्वार्थ की बात करते हैं !

हम सभी जानते हैं की धरती ख़त्म होने जा रही है ......और हम सब कितने आशावान हैं धरती को बचाने के लिए ......इसका उत्तर शायद हरेक को अपने मन के अन्दर झाँक के ही पता पड़ेगा | आज भी जब हम बाहर जाते हैं....तब जगह जगह कूड़ा करकट जैसी चीज़ें फैली हुई है .......पेड़ कम हो रहे हैं ....पर हम क्या कर रहे हैं?....केवल निंदा......और चंद मिनटों का शोक !....धरती को बचाने के लिए "अर्थ घंटा" जैसी चीज़ रखी जा रही है......परन्तु इस घंटे की बिजली बचाने से कोई फायेदा नहीं ...जब तक हम रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में सजग न बनें.!

एक ज़माना था जब हम बोलते थे की धरती सुन्दर है......अब हम बोलते हैं ....की कुछ कुछ जगहें ही सुन्दर बची है ......तो इसका मतलब सिर्फ यही है ...की समय की प्रगति के आगे ...हमने इन सभी सुन्दर जगहों का उपहास ही किया है .....और शायद यही आज की हमारी मात्रभाषा के उपयोग के सन्दर्भ मैं हो रहा है ........हममें से न जाने कितने लोग हिंदी बोलने में कतराते हैं ...सिर्फ इसलिए की हमारे मित्र या सगे संबंधी हम पे हसेंगे !....क्या यही तथ्य अगर एक दिन ऐसा हो जाए ...की आप अपने माता पिता की छोटी मोटी गलतियों पर अपने दोस्तों का हँसा जाना पचा पायेंगे?...मेरे ख्याल से नहीं ....क्यूंकि जब तक कोई भी चीज़ आप लोगों को द्वेष या हानि न पहुंचाए ...तब तक हर चीज़ आप लोगों के लिए माननीय है और आसानी से पच भी जाती है !

तो मैं केवल एक ही सवाल पूछना चाहता हूँ ....क्या हिंदी आपकी राजभाषा नहीं है ? और इसके सम्मान मैं एक दिन रख के क्या आप इस भाषा का उध्हार कर रहे हैं .......नहीं नहीं नहीं ...कदापि नहीं !

देश के सर्वाधिक हिस्सों में बोले जाने वाली भाषा हिंदी है और यही राष्ट्रभाषा के अधिकार की पात्र है ! और हम सभी का यही कर्त्तव्य है ......की अपनी हिंदी भाषा को हरेक प्रांत तक पहुंचाएं ...क्यूंकि जब तक हरेक पात्र और प्रांत हिंदी सीखने की और इसे जानने की कोशिश नहीं करेगा ....तब तक हम एकार्थ भाव से संयुक्त भारत नहीं बना पायेंगे !

Anonymous said...

Baghel ki barso se ichchha thi Hindi mein blog likhne ki .. apne blog pe poora nahi kar paaya to yahaa pe poori kar li :D :D

Hey Google .. your lover boy is facing this problem .. you listening?? It's easy for you to extend your translate service to cover situations like these ;)


Here's what the beloved Google says ;)|hi|ambiguity|hi|dilemma

Vivek Shah said...

An individual and his idea are much more important than a language. Its time we segregate history , language and nation and then ask the same question. In my opinion finding the answer will turn out to be a lot easy.

Saurabh Singh said...

दुविधा = Dilemma.

Ambiguity = अस्पष्टता.


Which is more important? The features you implement or the programming language you use to achieve it?

Now port this to human language world. Correct grammar of any language has its own value, but the purpose is more important than the medium.

Having said that, my blood pressure rises when I see bad grammar or excessive shortcuts on facebook. On top of that, people comment that it is 'well written'. :P

Gaurav Vashist said...

Thanks Saurabh, Thanks Vivek and abhishek..

Kuch buddhijivi to saath aaye :)

yar mujhe kisi bhi language se issue nahi hai..i just want to raise a point ki us bhasha ke sath aap karte kya ho wo jyada imporatant hai...

There is a difference between Nationalism and jingoism.

राष्ट्रवाद or अंधराष्ट्रीयता mein fark hai...

Baghel bhai you still need to wait...aapka answer weekend pe.. :P

pranav said...
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pranav said...

INDIA , BHARAT, HINDUSTAAN....... three diff. languages , but with same meaning, same feeling, 'hindi hain hum watan hai' we all have dis thn in us, so y feel bad if unable to put our dreams in d saints language, the bottom line is workin for the cause of nation...... then b it INDIA, BHARAT, HINDUSTAAN...... :)

Manu said...

1. "Why do we have language?" is the fundamental question. Since we wanted to communicate we have a language. As long as you convey what you want in whatever you feel comfortable in is okay until the other guy understands it though :).
2. (Totally aimed at "Shortcuts in Facebook" comment) Every language in world(except few which of-course are only researched in universities to understand things at that time so that we predict future) have evolved with time and still evolving, because we want to communicate in a more comfortable way. So they have changed in terms of grammar, words and many other things. But it has been a slow change which runs for many generations. So start thinking things always change and its survival of fittest. No one can help it, its nature. If you don't like it, don't see it and waste your time on commenting on it.

General Remarks of what I think of Language and all:
3. I think obsession and sticking with language, grammar even culture is like in some way analogically saying Microsoft Windows is the best operating system and we all should use it as what they make is best for everyone. I simply don't believe in this stupid thing.... I think it just kills creativity to make new things and looks like we are putting brakes to our evolution thinking what we have is the best(Have our minds become saturated???).
4. Whenever I see people speak and think of Culture, Religion and language as more "fundamental concepts" on which our lives should be based and don't think that they are just IDEAS to live a LIFE, I really pity them. Because these so called "FUNDAMENTAL concepts" by some and IDEAS as i think are based more fundamental stuff:
Language: Comfortable way and Standard of communicating
Religion: Differentiating Good and bad and having belief in something
Culture: Environment and state of mind of people on which "VALUES" we follow evolve

Gaurav Vashist said...

brilliant Manu.....a really thought provoking explanation .

Thanks for the lovely response.
I think it should a lot of things in perspective for a lot of us.